2021 outings!
In 2021 the Lakewolves had some exciting outings- see the action shots below! COVID has slowed down our editing but above you can see some preliminary photographs from our outings to date. We will add more as we can- keep a look out for some cool photos of the Fedora wreck! We are also working on funding for a 2022 public gallery and we will post information as soon as we know if that will work out.
The action shots (below) show a little bit of the adventure we had last season. Che miigwech to Jerry DePerry for giving the team access to the Fedora wreck through his property! We visited the wreck twice and even October waters couldn't keep us away. Expect some cool wreck photos soon. We also found native mussels living in and near the Fedora, which was a good sign. Our divers also got to see the hogstraps and pieces of coal left near the donkey boiler!
Lakewolves snorkeled with National Park Service research divers on the Fedora and at Little Sand Bay to learn about native mussels and invasive zebra mussels. We plan on helping monitor nearshore sites in the future to keep an underwater eye on our resources.
Later in 2021 we switched to streams and rivers to check out a diverse range of local habitats. Lakewolves learned about the beings we found, their connection to the health of the waters, and their relationship to our own well-being. Our favorite sites this fall were Bemidewishkawejikaaning-ziibi near Cornucopia, also known as Zaasakowkwe-ziibe; Miskominikaaniing-ziibi in Red Cliff; and Big Rock near Washburn (original name unknown).
We plan on some spring outings in 2022 and hope to be back in the water in fall semester too. As we edit this winter, keep an eye out for updated pics!
Thanks for checking us out,
Zaaga'igan Ma'iinganag