In 2018, the Great Lakes Aquarium of Duluth (MN) hosted a gallery of underwater photographs from the Zaaga'igan Ma'iinganag (Lakewolves) and our parent program Under the Surface (Northwest Passage Ltd.) Aquarium staff gave the Lakewolves a tour of the facilities. Staff estimate over 52,000 people walked through the gallery while it was up! Placards features place names in Ojibwe language to increase awareness of the first names of the sites we swam. Lakewolves would like to thank the Great Lakes Aquarium, Northwest Passage Ltd. (Webster, WI), Wisconsin Sea Grant, and the Sigurd Olsen Environmental Institute for making this happen. Bayfield High School teacher Rick Erickson helped the team organize this trip and the outings that led up to it, while Ben Thwaits and Ian Karl made it possible for Toben to get this gallery ready and up on the walls. We thank all the elders who helped with place names and the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (Bad River, WI) for providing maps and translations.